Professor Kish Bhatti-Sinclair
My academic career began at University of Southampton with a lifelong commitment to combating racism, shaping the debates on black perspectives and de-colonising social work practice. As a Professor of Social Work at the University of Chichester I have developed methodologies and theories, such as modern racism, to test discriminatory attitudes and behaviours. I have worked on many research projects utilising, for example, quantitative case data, evaluations and reviews. In particular, I have undertaken studies on child sexual exploitation and hard to reach children.
I have written many journal articles and my book projects include: Anti-Racist Practice in Social Work (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) which examines attitudes and behaviours in relation to law, policy and practice. Diversity, Difference and Dilemmas (OUP/McGraw Hill, 2017) promotes the idea that disproportionate attention is paid to immigrants and terrorists in populist policy and media reporting.
I co-ordinate many academic and practice groups including the Social Work Education Anti-Racist Social Work Education Network (SWEARN).
I am Co-editor in Chief of the Wiley journal: Child Abuse Review (CAR) owned by the Association of Child Protection Professionals. CAR’s editorial team includes approximately 20 associate editors representing many countries and many areas of inter-disciplinary safeguarding practice.