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Social Work Education, Research and Practice in turbulent times

Marion Henderson


Pre-Conference Workshop

We are happy to host a pre-conference event for PhD/Early Career Researchers on Wednesday 14 June 2023 led by Professor Marion Henderson.

Location Curran Building,  Rooms: 321,  315, and 330.

The address of The Curran Building is University of Strathclyde, 101 St James Road, Glasgow, G4 0NS (you can also get to the Library from Cathedral Street).

The rooms are on the floor that you enter, round the corner and to the back of where you enter. There is a receptionist and a help desk, they will be happy to help direct you to the rooms.



There is no additional costs for this and refreshments will be provided.


Wednesday 14th June 2 to 5pm.

2 to 2.15pm – Introductions and icebreaker

2.15pm to 3pm – Small group discussion: Joys and challenges of doing a PhD in Social Work

3 to 3.30pm - Break

3.30 to 4.30pm - Research presentations: Attendees are invited to present their research topic in under 5 minutes

4.30 to 5pm – Social coffee


We would like to invite attendees to give a 5-minute talk about their research topic or project. This will be informal and to a friendly audience – we would encourage all attendees to do this if they feel comfortable. Please let us know on whether you would like to take part in this section so we can confirm timings.

This session will be run in collaboration with the Social Work PGR Network.


About the Social Work PGR Network 

The Network was set up by a group of Social Work PGR students following a special interest session at JSWEC2021. It was recognised that doing postgraduate research in Social Work brings unique experiences and challenges, and the COVID-19 pandemic had made it even harder to connect with other Social Work PGRs. The desire for a way to build connections, celebrate our success and provide support for others on the journey was evident, and therefore the Network was born! 

The network is open to all Social Work PGRs, Professional Doctorate candidates and ECRs across the UK whose research has a social work focus. You do not have to be based in a School of Social Work to join - we have peers and colleagues whose research is based in schools of health, law and education etc but have a focus that aligns with social work.   

Membership is free and you can join by emailing us at: You will receive invites to meetings as well as occasional emails about events and research programmes that members want to share.

Our meetings take place every 6-8 weeks online – from abstracts to epistemology to Ubuntu methodology - we've covered a lot of ground on our meetings to date and we encourage members to get involved by delivering short presentations on their work. Meetings are also an informal space to chat through some of the challenges associated with doing a Social Work PhD.


We welcome new members to the Network and would encourage you to reach out if you want any further information, would like to join and also if you would be interested in becoming a member of our Steering Group (the nature of the Network means people are always moving on to pastures new).

The current Social Work PGR Network Steering Group members are:

Danielle McIlroy, PhD Candidate (awaiting viva), Queens University; Jen Cooper, 3rd Year PhD researcher, Lancaster University; Josh Devlin, 2nd Year PhD Researcher, University of Manchester; Dr Sarah Rose, Lecturer in Social Work, Napier University. 


Please remember that Glasgow is now a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) city, so if you are travelling by car, please check that it is compliant to avoid fines: